MR Customer Service vs Traditional Customer Service

October 27, 2021


As technology evolves, so does the way companies and businesses interact with their customers. Customer service has become an essential aspect of any organization, and with the advent of Mixed Reality (MR), it is interesting to compare it with traditional methods of customer service. In this blog post, we will examine the pros and cons of both traditional and MR customer service.

Traditional Customer Service

Traditional customer service involves communication channels such as telephone, email, and in-person support to solve customer issues. It has been a reliable method of resolving customer complaints for many years.


  • Accessibility: Traditional customer service is accessible to anyone with a phone or a computer.
  • Familiarity: Many customers are familiar with traditional customer service methods, making it easy for them to use.
  • Personal Touch: Traditional customer service often includes speaking to a human representative who can provide personalized service.


  • Limited Interaction: Traditional customer service provides limited interaction between customers and the company.
  • Time Constraints: Traditional customer service is usually available during specific hours only.
  • Repetitive: Repetitive inquiries can lead to long wait times and decreased customer satisfaction.

Mixed Reality Customer Service

MR customer service is a new communication channel that combines virtual and augmented reality technologies. It enables customers to interact with customer support representatives in a more immersive environment that includes holograms, 3D images, and other visual aids.


  • Enhanced Interaction: MR customer service provides a more interactive and immersive experience for customers.
  • Swift Resolution: MR customer service can quickly and accurately diagnose customer issues.
  • Flexibility: MR customer service can be accessed anytime, anywhere, and on any device.


  • Costly: Implementing MR customer service can be an expensive investment.
  • Technical Requirements: MR customer service requires the use of special equipment.
  • Inexperience: Many customers may not have experience with this new technology, making it difficult for them to use.


There are pros and cons to both traditional customer service and MR customer service. MR customer service is a more immersive way of assisting customers, but it may not be suitable for everyone. Traditional customer service is a reliable method of resolving customer issues, but it may lack the interactive features that some customers require. Ultimately, the choice between traditional and MR customer service depends on the needs and preferences of individual businesses and their customers.


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